Tuesday, 1 September 2009


We have made the bunting over several different sessions, and I have already posted about the first batch (the fabric crayons/drawings). However, as I'm doing a catch up, I thought it made most sense to group the rest of the bunting sessions into one post.

Here is Tess up to her elbows in dye, doing tie dye .......

Tess & Brodie painting with the fabric dyes ......

The cling-film wrapped tie-dye and painted flags, waiting for the dye to sink into the fabric .....

The tie-dye batch (done by Tess & Carole - it was quite hard to identify which flags were done by whom after they had been unrolled, but I think the top row were mine and the rest, Tess's) ....

The painted flags (Carole's 2 on the left, Brodie's at the bottom middle & top right, and Tess's at the top middle & bottom right...... I think!!!) .....

No pictures of the technique for the last 2 batches, but first up, African Paste Resist Dye (Carole's on the left, Tess's on the right - Brodie didn't want to do this or the batik). These flags were made by 'piping' flour and water paste onto the fabric, waiting for it to dry and then painting indigo dye (or multi-coloured dye for one of Tess's flags) onto the rest of the fabric ....

.... and the batik section : Carole's at the top, Tess's at the bottom; Brodie didn't want to do any on the day, but did choose a very complicated pirate ship to be included on 1 flag, top right (you may have to click to enlarge the pic to see it!). These were made by dripping melted wax onto the fabric, and then dipping the flag into dye, or painting the dye on, once the wax had set .......

And finally, the finished bunting in all its glory .......

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