Wednesday, 1 April 2009


We had the second of our new monthly music sessions today. Both Tess & Brodie were very excited and keen to go, and were playing instruments in the car on the way there. However, I think we might have peaked too early for Brodie, as he didn't really want to join in much when we got there! (It was held at someone's house, so he was able to do a jigsaw in the background).

Tess, however, thoroughly enjoyed it, and joined in with everything. We have hired a music teacher to lead the group, and she helped the children to warm up their bodies and voices with some songs, actions and chants. Tess listened really carefully and copied all of this very well. For the chants, they had to listen to the words and the rhythm, and Tess did a great job of repeating it in the right way. They also used some percussion instruments to shake along with the rhythm. It was quite complicated, and I thought Tess did really well to copy the words and beat. Then everyone sang along with a simple tune ('Hot Cross Buns') and each person had the chance to play it on some chime bars. 

The group ended with a first recorder lesson for the older ones (Tess included). They just had to learn & play one note, but had to play for a certain number of beats, then rest for a number, then play again etc. We are going to be working from a particular book (which is on order, but hasn't arrived yet) and Leanne, the teacher, used this today. It comes with a CD of music to play along with, and was really good fun - the music is quite lively, so even though the children are only playing one note, the overall sound is quite sophisticated, and they are adding to the overall sound with their playing. It was certainly a lot more inspiring than I would have expected for a first recorder lesson! (and a lot less screechy). Again, I thought Tess did brilliantly to keep time within the group (the others were all a couple of years older) and to keep playing the correct note.

We stayed on after the group, and Tess & Brodie had a fabulous afternoon playing with Jack & Sam, whose house we were at. When we got home, Tess wanted to practise her recorder playing and has informed me that she is going to practise a lot so that she becomes really good (I guess we'll have to see whose genes dominate on that score .... practising was never my strong suit when I was playing instruments as a child!!!!!). 

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