Sunday, 16 August 2009

home education videos

Here are some interesting videos that have been made by the organisation Education Otherwise (one of the main charitable bodies which supports home educators) about home educating. These have been created in response to the recent consultation about monitoring home education, which was led by someone called Graham Badman. The government is now going through another (!) consultation to see which of the recommendations will be implemented.

Doctor Alan Thomas on informal learning

The concerns about the recommendations include that formal assessments of the standard of home education for a child will be made by people who do not understand or support non-schooling methods of education, that the review was based around home education as a possible cover for abuse or forced marriage and that there are some fairly strong powers of access to the home and to children (without parents present) being recommended as a result, even though the premise was found to be false.

More information about home education can be found on the Education Otherwise website and about the review on the organisation's campaign website, Freedom for Children to Grow:

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